
Welcome to Serve and Grow. Serve and Grow is a resource of provocative thought, questions and actionable advice that covers an inspired walk through life with God on your side. The Serve and Grow blog is philosophical, practical, mindful, serious and fun as it outlines a life of immense growth in the areas of developing character, renewal of the mind, gratitude, prayer, trust, obedience, listening, serving and so much more.

The mission of Serve and Grow is to help men and women implement a spiritual discipline based on biblical readings, prayer, connecting with others, meditation, journaling and serving the community in church, the workplace and within the family. Serve and Grow attempts to tell a story of personal transformation to inspire others to seek the wisdom that God so freely gives.

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In late 2017 I had a Holy Spirit moment. At work and on the sales floor a colleague was asking me if I wanted to attend a men’s night program at his church. While he was telling me about the program I was silently crafting in my head how I was going to tell him no for I always said no to church. At the moment he finished explaining and I was about to say no, this is not for me I heard a voice. Not an audible voice mind you but a voice that spoke loud and clear. The voice said, “don’t say no”.  This voice I knew was the voice of God’s Holy Spirit. Serve and Grow is the story of my journey….on growing spiritually, emotionally and on serving meaningfully, purposefully and well. My story is truly remarkable for I am living in God’s plan and purpose for me. The story is filled with awe, wonder, doubt and fear as the journey is being revealed and unfolding before my eyes.

Bob O’Brien spent his formative years on the streets of Brooklyn, New York before moving to Los Angeles, California. He attended High School and UCLA in the southland before moving to the Central Coast of California. When the youngest of three children graduated from high school and was off to attend college, Bob moved to Baton Rouge, Louisiana where he resides with his wife and staffie dog.


Weak Without His Spirit

How weak I was without His Spirit. Over the last couple of years, I have developed a solid routine that includes daily prayer, bible meditation and reading the bible. I also attend a weekly men’s small group, attend Church and serve as a volunteer to an inner-city youth mentor program called Empower 225. Daily means …


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