From Darkness to Light | Letters to Kenya

Letters to Kenya is a series of writings designed in preparation for my upcoming Mission trip to Nairobi, Kenya. On a message of love and hope each letter is a story or a sermon perhaps bringing the Word of God to an audience of 25,000 primary and secondary age schoolchildren. Perhaps the Lord will guide me to deliver a message of inspiration.

Thank you for having us and welcoming us to your school and to Kenya. You have a beautiful country and you are all such beautiful people. Your beauty is not only outward but is inward as well. You have heart and you have a spirit that is alive and thriving here. God is alive and well and working in Kenya! I know this because I have seen it with my own eyes on my trip here last year. For you are not only the future of Kenya but the future of the whole world. The entire world needs you.

I come from America. A country that is rich beyond imagination even for me sometimes. But that wealth is only a physical wealth. It only takes care of what is on the outside and does an inadequate job in and of itself for we have many problems in America. Crime, addiction, corruption, fractured identity, disparity to name a few. That wealth left to its own devises grows complacent and weak particularly when problems reach epic proportions and allows doubt and fear to creep in and take hold. Fear will grab you and choke you until your spirit is nothing but a whimper…. a flame gone out. My country right now is a land divided, choking itself with increasing godlessness and self-absorption.

Darkness lurks in my country. Even Jesus said that it is so difficult for the rich to enter the Kingdom of heaven.  Darkness creeps in when people think it is by their power only who gives them life.  I have come all  this way, 12,000 miles or more, by the grace of God and directed by His Holy Spirit to tell you you have light and you have spirit and that you have the God given and God guided ability to turn back darkness.  And therefore, the world needs you! For you can bring light not only in your own life, but for your family, for your school, for your city, for your politics, for your leadership, for your country and indeed for the entire world.  You have God’s grace with light for the world.

So, I ask you to take care of your light. Pray for it, ask God how you can take care of it and ask God how you are to use it-for God has a plan for you and ask God to always let it shine.  Give Him thanks for your light and He will light the way.