Kenya Mission 2019: Help send me to East Africa

Over this last year I have had an amazing opportunity to grow in my faith, serve with a church that is incredibly active in the community, participate in a strong men’s small group, as well as providing volunteer leadership in Empower 225 (a local high-risk youth mentorship program.)  I have been amazed with what I have learned and experienced, truly seeing what it means to be walking and living life in a meaningful way with God.

Again, I have been offered an opportunity through Healing Place Church to travel to Kenya to share the love of God with students all over the capitol city. In just one trip, we will be able to visit over 120 schools to share the message of the Gospels with over 35,000 students! I will be joining a team of 20-25 men and women from several churches from around the U.S. in addition to Restoration Ministries (our Kenyan partners) who have blazed the trail ahead of us, coordinating the logistics for this endeavor. In past trips, the group has been able to minister to students of all ages and has seen the Gospel impact many of these students in life altering ways. The trip lasts a total of eleven days.  During that time, we will travel to and from Kenya, spend time in the schools and go on a safari as a team.

I am asking for your help to raise the $3500 needed to go!  I would love if you would consider supporting me either through making a direct donation to the trip or by praying for the success for the purpose of the trip.  Whether you choose to give or pray, I consider you a part of advancing the word of God and helping me realize my full potential in bringing a message of hope and a way to achievement.

If you would like to contribute you can contact me directly for more information, or if you would like to contribute online, please use either….

I am grateful for any way you would choose to support me in this endeavor, and I am excited and expectant for what God is going to do on this trip!