Promises Made Promises Kept

There are many promises outlined in the bible. Promises such as, “seek and you will find; knock and  the  door will be opened” (Luke 11:9 NIV), “if God is for us who can  be against us”(Romans 8:31 NIV), “nothing can separate us from the love of God”(Romans 8:39 NIV), “worry about nothing but everything in prayer….the peace of the Lord will guard your hearts” (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV),and so many more. Jesus himself promised to “send an advocate who will act on our behalf” (John 14:16 NIV) who will give us power live inside us and make us remember everything Jesus said.  In my experience I have found that these promises are true. They are also promises kept and freely given to anyone willing to listen and willing to take responsibility for letting these promises manifest themselves in your life.  It has been two plus years since I said yes to the Holy Spirit. A little more than one year since I said yes to Jesus.

My life is better. I make better choices and better decisions. I am wiser. I ask for help in prayer and my life is transformed! My marriage is the absolute best it has ever been, and it is no fluke! My marriage has depth of vulnerability, a deep intimacy, character, cooperation, responsibility, truth and a deepening love. My marriage is not going to wither away.  My work is better, my thoughts are better, my perceptions and my reality are better. And what’s more, none of this is going to wither away. This great fortune is no fluke!

Now you could say that I, me personally I, am taking charge and doing the things necessary to improve my life its outlook and its outcome. That it is I who is doing all the necessary things to become successful. But wait a minute. I am 64 years old. So now suddenly I can get it together… NOW? I can pull off being responsible, humble, grateful, willing now suddenly I can do that? Or is it something much much more?  Is it the Holy Spirit who intervened and told me, “Don’t Say No?” Is it the Holy Spirit who opened the door to a life with Jesus as God, King, Savior, Friend, Redeemer?

I don’t for a moment think I could suddenly have done all this! This is nothing short of a supernatural effort to suddenly make me competent, confident and more powerful! To overcome huge obstacles of limiting thought and behavior and I am to think that suddenly I can do all that? I, me can now walk in my true purpose when I hadn’t a clue as to what that was?

I know it is not me and I know He called. I know He chose me as I heard it, felt it and knew it when it happened. I see my life play out over and over with meaning and fulfillment. I see the Bible as the living word of God. I see prayers answered, definitively. I see the absolute power in waiting, watching, listening and obeying something higher and greater. What’s more is I see gratitude, a deep deep gratitude as the fuel for the fire within me. Spiritual disciplines emerging as a daily ritual from the ashes of my prior life to empower me and guide me. As an advocate who works on my behalf! Another promise kept!

If these promises are kept and if this is my experience so far in walking with Jesus, then the other promises outlined in the bible, the ones I don’t fully grasp or understand will be kept. I just need to ask Him for understanding or for an answer and then wait. He has been unfolding His plan in His mercy and love as I go. He has never let me down even through some tough financial setbacks that have plagued me recently. In fact, the adversity has drawn my wife and I closer together as we “get our hands back on the wheel” financially. Never would that have been possible before!  My responsibility is to be ready to go! Everyday I prepare myself for the task!  And every day He is there for me!

Received this text from a dear friend today……

“That Holy Spirit is a sneaky one, drawing itself out of men that don’t even know it is inside.”

Let the adventure continue!