Renewal in the Year Ahead

Here are some thoughts on the year just passed. If the overarching theme of 2018 was “Renewal” as in a renewal of my mind the action words toward that renewal was undoubtedly “Showing Up.”  I showed up to lots of things I would not have normally attended, such as, going to church regularly (Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge, LA), weekly small group bible study, mission trips, completing year 1-night school, daily prayer, daily bible reading and service opportunities to name a few.  Many times, I did not want to go but persist I did knowing at the end of the day, or week or year, for that matter, I would learn something I did not know. Indeed, I am blessed by the grace of God to be guided by His Holy Spirit to press on and show up.  By showing up I obey the Holy Spirit, the advocate who works on our behalf. By showing up and learning something I not only change my experiences, but they change my perspective and therefore change my reality.  If that is not renewal of the mind, I don’t know what is!

For now, I have changed a habit, the habit of not hearing and not obeying and replaced it with a new one. Again, it is renewal for this is a new habit that is more receptive to hearing God’s word. Many times, I wonder if I can hear God talking to me at all, I have those doubts, yet I see in my experience that God speaks always and constantly. It is I who need to hear better! It is something I ask for in my prayers…to hear better.  I do my best to listen for God speaks in so many ways! From a direct command to a hunch is how God’s will be done. So, in thinking about how I got here and reflecting on 2018, if renewal of my mind was the directive then certainly by showing up- taking action got me here. To me it looks something like this….

If I read the word, if I understand the word, if I live in the word and by the word asking how the word affects me today then I live in His Spirit.  If I live in His Spirit, then I most certainly live in a new life- a life of renewal.  All this just as He promised!  Knock and the door will be opened, seek and you shall find. (Matthew 7:7 and Luke 11:9.)

Hmmm, God keeps His promises!  If I have eyes to see and ears to hear I can be guided by His Spirit, renew my mind and carry out His will. His specific and unique plan for me.

2019 opens with “expression” as the theme. I am being directed by His Spirit to tell my story and my experiences that led me this door, a door called Get Off the Fence. It is not for adoration, status or riches but simply to unravel my expression muscle and to follow that directive whatever it may look like.  I once had a track coach who taught that practice does not make perfect. But that perfect practice makes perfect! A more perfect outcome.  Perhaps it is for influence for I pray for influence as well.  I may reach one person total or reach that one person who can then reach millions more for God’s plan is convoluted, mysterious and surprising. Perhaps I will never know the full outcome.  In the meantime, just being part in this play is its own reward.

Certain I am that I am on the right path for the power, creativity, fulfilling, meaningful and exciting feelings have revealed an underlying current of confidence and well-being and peace. That is how I know this is from God.

Inside this new love, die.
Your way begins on the other side.
Become the sky.
Take an axe to the prison wall.
Walk out like someone suddenly born into color.
Do it now.
You’re covered with thick cloud.
Slide out the side. Die,
and be quiet. Quietness is the surest sign
that you have died.
Your old life was a frantic running
from silence.
The speechless full moon
comes out now.

Reflection: A poem by Rumi