Woe is Me | Letters to Kenya

Letters to Kenya is a series of writings designed in preparation for my upcoming Mission trip to Nairobi, Kenya. On a message of love and hope each letter is a story or a sermon perhaps bringing the Word of God to an audience of 25,000 primary and secondary age schoolchildren. Perhaps the Lord will guide me to deliver a message of inspiration.

I went to school for many years. I read lots of books. I read about success, relationships, finances, leadership, management, speaking, writing, how to fix things, travel, biography, poetry, history.  All sorts of things. I read them for interest, for entertainment, to learn but really to make me better. To expand my knowledge and to help make me a better dad, husband, leader, speaker, writer, thinker, problem solver, serving the community. Whatever it may be. Fixing the car or the plumbing.  I also go to seminars, conferences, retreats for the same reasons….to be better. In other words, to become more competent.

Competence is important to us. We want to be better at what we do. We want to be the expert, the star attraction, the person people come to give advice or to solve their problems.  Success has many definitions, but it certainly includes creating, being in demand, putting yourself out there and cashing all the checks!  At least it is what we are led or taught to believe. Going to school, reading or going to seminars isn’t that paying the price now in order to reap the benefits later?

I have had a good measure of successes along the way but also failures too. Ups and downs, wins and losses, mistakes and windfalls but my biggest mistake was that I thought I was doing it all. I thought I had the power to be better and that it was a combination of me not knowing something, me not understanding something, my self-doubt, my fear, my self sabotage that led to failure and setbacks.  That luck and fate played its hand in direct proportion to my competence. What a delicate balance lies between success and failure.  Consequently, I was better and successful when I applied myself, worked harder and doubled down on what I knew to be true and the course of action to be taken.  But there was always something missing.

My mistake is that I thought it was about me. That concept comes about from the culture I am raised in and is a concept that is pervasive in many parts of the developed world including Kenya. All of us as individuals are all about ourselves. We are full of ourselves.  Collectively we are crowded together as an island of ones…. each to his own as the hippie adage goes.  America as a country is divided by the concept of an ever growing and powerful me. We are a country divided by identity with the self. Identity politics, identity economics, identity philosophy that is rooted in a fractured life. Anger, violence, intolerance, chaos, hurt feelings, revenge, tyranny and rage about it all. Each of us living near the next and being alienated and desperately alone.  Why? It was not like that always.

I suffered like many suffer from too much me.  Its all about me. Or it is all about you, or you, or you or you…and the there is no room for Him. There is no room for God. No room for another. Me is idolatry. Me is a division of the spirit. Me is the darkness that lurks so close by. Of all the books I’ve read there was one book I never read ever. Never picked it up to even thumb through it. That book is the bible. 

When I finally picked it up and began to read it like a regular book I was amazed at its richness and its mystery for while I didn’t understand it the narrative was engaging and compelling. I was shocked.  There are unforgettable stories I read that were impossible to understand. How intriguing indeed.  In reading the bible and talking about it in a bible study I began to see doors of perception open. Understanding began to creep in as I read other translations and studied bible meanings verse by verse.  Doors opened, ah-ha moments of awareness experienced and miracle of miracles I began to witness scripture answer my prayers, give me direction and guide my actions. Truly the bible is the living word of God!

Experiencing the supernatural only opens the door to more supernatural which is the experience of God in our lives. I never would have been able to experience a relationship with God if I didn’t obey His Holy Spirit and say yes to bible study, serving, giving thanks, praying and pressing forward in desperate times of doubt and misunderstanding. It is not that I do not understand but that many times I mis-understand Gods will.

Perhaps the greatest gift (of many gifts given) is that this time I am not alone with me.  It is not about me. It is about God first, then I follow.  This path has led me here to speak to you about the wonders, importance and workings of God in His world with us. It is not our world….it is His. He will lead us through and bring us together with Him to overcome the disease of me. We are to give thanks and praise to Him who provides it all for us. I have His peace; I have His power and I have His leadership and now faithfully bring His word to you as He has directed me.

From Darkness to Light | Letters to Kenya

Letters to Kenya is a series of writings designed in preparation for my upcoming Mission trip to Nairobi, Kenya. On a message of love and hope each letter is a story or a sermon perhaps bringing the Word of God to an audience of 25,000 primary and secondary age schoolchildren. Perhaps the Lord will guide me to deliver a message of inspiration.

Thank you for having us and welcoming us to your school and to Kenya. You have a beautiful country and you are all such beautiful people. Your beauty is not only outward but is inward as well. You have heart and you have a spirit that is alive and thriving here. God is alive and well and working in Kenya! I know this because I have seen it with my own eyes on my trip here last year. For you are not only the future of Kenya but the future of the whole world. The entire world needs you.

I come from America. A country that is rich beyond imagination even for me sometimes. But that wealth is only a physical wealth. It only takes care of what is on the outside and does an inadequate job in and of itself for we have many problems in America. Crime, addiction, corruption, fractured identity, disparity to name a few. That wealth left to its own devises grows complacent and weak particularly when problems reach epic proportions and allows doubt and fear to creep in and take hold. Fear will grab you and choke you until your spirit is nothing but a whimper…. a flame gone out. My country right now is a land divided, choking itself with increasing godlessness and self-absorption.

Darkness lurks in my country. Even Jesus said that it is so difficult for the rich to enter the Kingdom of heaven.  Darkness creeps in when people think it is by their power only who gives them life.  I have come all  this way, 12,000 miles or more, by the grace of God and directed by His Holy Spirit to tell you you have light and you have spirit and that you have the God given and God guided ability to turn back darkness.  And therefore, the world needs you! For you can bring light not only in your own life, but for your family, for your school, for your city, for your politics, for your leadership, for your country and indeed for the entire world.  You have God’s grace with light for the world.

So, I ask you to take care of your light. Pray for it, ask God how you can take care of it and ask God how you are to use it-for God has a plan for you and ask God to always let it shine.  Give Him thanks for your light and He will light the way.

Kenya Mission 2019: Help send me to East Africa

Over this last year I have had an amazing opportunity to grow in my faith, serve with a church that is incredibly active in the community, participate in a strong men’s small group, as well as providing volunteer leadership in Empower 225 (a local high-risk youth mentorship program.)  I have been amazed with what I have learned and experienced, truly seeing what it means to be walking and living life in a meaningful way with God.

Again, I have been offered an opportunity through Healing Place Church to travel to Kenya to share the love of God with students all over the capitol city. In just one trip, we will be able to visit over 120 schools to share the message of the Gospels with over 35,000 students! I will be joining a team of 20-25 men and women from several churches from around the U.S. in addition to Restoration Ministries (our Kenyan partners) who have blazed the trail ahead of us, coordinating the logistics for this endeavor. In past trips, the group has been able to minister to students of all ages and has seen the Gospel impact many of these students in life altering ways. The trip lasts a total of eleven days.  During that time, we will travel to and from Kenya, spend time in the schools and go on a safari as a team.

I am asking for your help to raise the $3500 needed to go!  I would love if you would consider supporting me either through making a direct donation to the trip or by praying for the success for the purpose of the trip.  Whether you choose to give or pray, I consider you a part of advancing the word of God and helping me realize my full potential in bringing a message of hope and a way to achievement.

If you would like to contribute you can contact me directly for more information, or if you would like to contribute online, please use either….

I am grateful for any way you would choose to support me in this endeavor, and I am excited and expectant for what God is going to do on this trip!

Get Off the Fence

How fitting to begin this blog “Get Off the Fence” a couple of days into the new year 2019. Not only is it new beginnings, new adventure but it’s to continue work that has already begun in the year just past. 2018 was an extraordinary year for me. A year of rapid and intense growth particularly in the inner and spiritual side of me. Not only have I come to a better understanding of how God works in the world but I have come to understand the meaning of cultivating a personal relationship with Him and His Holy Spirit. His Spirit speaks to me, His word as I read it in the bible speaks to me, the message of pastors speak to me and my inner wisdom speaks to me. All of this is a gift that is being given. That may seem to some a lot of chatter going on yet the realizations I have that those messages are being spoken to me and are meant for me directly, well it seems that they are being doled out as needed. As God needs to dole them out. Many times I have had the thought that these ah-ha moments, or coincidences or synchronous events that may seem random and by chance are really being revealed to me in a planned way. I can only conclude from experience that really this is part of God’s plan for me. These events happen way too frequently to be anything but God’s work.

That I am a better person for this experience is unquestionable. Not only is reading the bible a daily regimen but I pray to God and His Holy spirit where I ask for clarity, understanding, strength, influence for myself as well as well being for others to highlight a few. Not lost on me is the gratitude I feel in my heart that I am being taken care of, that God listens to me, He guides me and answers my prayers!

In this past year I have been blessed with the knowledge that praying, showing up and waiting are key to hearing the word of God either directly or through others. I think that God speaks all the time yet it is I who do not hear His word. I do my best to listen and obey His direction knowing that taking action is required. The feeling of well being, meaning, fulfilling purpose, competence, strength and inner calmness is directly tied to acknowledging His presence in my life. I am no longer an outsider looking in.

The road this has taken for me  includes serving Healing Place the church I attend in a variety of needed ways. In 2018 I completed year 1 night school classes, getting baptized in April, going on a mission trip in June to Kenya, bringing a message of hope and love, and another trip to Panama City, Florida for hurricane relief, joining a small group, attending Men’s Night programs monthly, reading the bible, praying and completing a years program in Man Camp, a men’s success and support group.  That I show up to allow Gods work to be revealed is many times all I have to go on.  If I let all the times I was confused or did not understand or doubt what was going on get in the way I would not have walked the walk I am walking. With the strength and hope that God gives I have the courage to not take no for an answer and to be patient to listen to the answer God will give. These are all things I would never have accomplished left to my own devises. I would have given up long ago as I caved in to feelings of inadequacy, low self worth, or not fitting in or feeling I am not being understood. My default belief is being the outcast or the lone wolf as I so readily identify.  My relationships across the board are better today than they have ever been. My relationship with myself has shown me just how complex and convoluted my beliefs, values and fears really are. Uncovering what makes me tick is indeed a most interesting endeavor. Most profoundly changed  is my relationship with my wife as I have opened the door to a more genuine and authentic man than  I have ever been. My relationships at work have improved, my relationships with others has improved and my contributions, insights and creativity in helping others has all been enhanced to a level I have never experienced. That the Holy Spirit, the advocate who works on our behalf, is the guiding force that creates awareness of God’s purpose for us is the source of my inner intuition is an amazing realization. That I am in awe of it all is understated.  All due to being more present, more grateful, more mindful and more willing.  Each time as the reveals have been realized I am given an understanding about God’s grace, how He works in me and in the world, His unique plan for me and how to reconnect with His Spirit in moments of doubt and fear.  Reassured is how I feel that, no matter, God will find a way. 

Early on I made a decision. I decided that there are a lot of things I know nothing about. I asked myself what makes me think that I can dismiss the bible as just a bunch of old stories? It has been around in written form for thousands of years and who knows how long as spoken before that! What makes me think the bible has nothing to teach me? I decided to join a small group men’s bible study where I asked an incessant amount of questions in the presence of men who have first hand experience with Gods work. I decided to show up and to tell the truth no matter what. I decided to not take no for an answer as I prayed for insights and answers and understanding.  That the door has been opened just as Jesus said it would “knock and the door will open, seek and the answers will  be given” is unquestionably His grace and blessing living in the world.  I decided that I would not let preconceived ideas get in the way of my experience, my thoughts and my perception of reality and my understanding of God.  That I consciously made these decisions has led me to today where I experience a richness, fullness and an awareness to being on a road to a truly meaningful life.

That I made these decisions got me off the fence. The presumptions I made about the world, God, my purpose, my limiting beliefs, my acceptance of who I am, my relationship to other people was me sitting on the fence. Uncomfortable with the way things were I never the less doubled down on my understanding as I saw it, convictions as I lived them and a longing dis-satisfaction underlying life as I experienced it. Relationships not quite there, thinking I am smarter than I really am, insecure to the point of not asking for help….ever, thinking I should know how to conduct my relationships, finances and manage fears and doubts. Never feeling competent and useful.

If anything, I am driven to help people learn to develop a relationship with God. That there was a decision to be made by me to begin this journey was clear from the very beginning. Despite my experience with church growing up Catholic as a kid, making a decision about God now as a man in his mid-sixties was not rational, clear, or on purpose. Nothing will get you out of your comfort zone faster than this type of journey. Without question, many times  I was confused and out of my element.  Deciding to patiently stay in that  uncomfortable state led to spiritual discipline which allows new experiences to unfold.

My mission is to encourage you to make a decision of your own, even if it is uncomfortable; even if your decision flies in the face of pre-conceived ideas. What I see and experience is a renewal of the mind and therefore a renewal of your life. If you allow yourself to be patient and to wait, then most assuredly the answers will come. I believe this is the way of this journey: it’s the foundation of the faith I now have in my own experience and what I believe is possible for you. I encourage you to take a “Leap of Faith”, make a decision about God and once and for all Get Off the Fence.